PARBO: Constitution and Bylaws

PARBO-A local Organization for Community Leadership
  • A. The Constitution

ARTICLE I - NAME The name of the organization shall be PARBO, a Bengali organization for community leadership. Here-in and after it will also be referred to as the PARBO or Organization. ARTICLE II – PURPOSE: PARBO is organized exclusively for Cultural, Educational and Charitable purposes for local community. PARBO shall remain as a Nonprofit Organization. The Organization shall also promote the ethnic culture especially those of Bengali origin. ARTICLE III-BYLAWS. The provisions of the Constitution shall be carried out in accordance with the Bylaws of PARBO. The Bylaws shall include detailed practice of the Organization’s Constitutional concept. The Organization shall be governed by the Constitution as well as the Bylaws in effect. In Case of any conflict between the statements of the Constitution and the Bylaws, the provisions of the Constitution shall prevail. ARTICLE IV - AMENDMENT An amendment to the Constitution can be initiated by the Governing Body, or by a Joint Petition to the Governing Body, signed by at least one-fifth of the General Body of PARBO. The Petitioned Proposal for Amendment shall include the Details of Proposed Changes and/or Updates. Within one month from the date of Initiation, the Governing Body shall send a proper General Body meeting notice with Proposed Amendment information to all Regular Members of the Organization. Within two months from the date of initiation, the Amendment shall be acted upon in such General Body Meeting. Acceptance of an Amendment shall require two-thirds of the valid votes, cast by the Regular Members, during a proper General Body meeting, in favor of the proposed Amendment. ARTICLE VAREA. All activities of PARBO shall normally be performed in OM DURGA MANDIR decided by the Governing Body, or the General Body. ARTICLE VI – FUNDS.The funds of PARBO shall be obtained by donations from its members, patrons, and supporters. In the event of Liquidation of the Organization, its entire Assets, including cash as well as other items shall be donated to a non-profit organization, properly approved by the Internal Revenue Service. The Governing Body shall be responsible for such disbursements. ARTICLE VII - FISCAL YEAR. The Fiscal Year of PARBO shall begin on September 1st, of a calendar year, and end on August 31st of the following calendar year.

ARTICLE VIII-MEMBERSHIP.Membership of PARBO shall be open to all persons, who shall support the Purpose of the Organization. The members shall be obliged to obey the Constitution and the Bylaws of the Organization. The regular members of the Organization shall donate their membership dues (initially free) and shall enjoy membership and voting Rights. For the best Interest of PARBO, distinguished individuals may be nominated by the Governing Body or the General Body as Honorary Members, who shall possess No Voting Rights. Other memberships may be determined by the Governing Body or the General Body, per Bylaws. ARTICLE IX- MEETINGS. The General Body Meetings are held to discuss generic and specific issues of interest to the Organization. An Annual General Body meeting shall be held in the month of August of each fiscal year. Additional General Body meetings shall be held as necessary. The Governing Body Meetings are held to conduct businesses including review and approve policies of the Organization. A minimum of four Quarterly Governing Body meetings shall be held during each fiscal year.

ARTICLE VIII-MEMBERSHIP.Membership of PARBO shall be open to all persons, who shall support the Purpose of the Organization. The members shall be obliged to obey the Constitution and the Bylaws of the Organization. The regular members of the Organization shall donate their membership dues (initially free) and shall enjoy membership and voting Rights. For the best Interest of PARBO, distinguished individuals may be nominated by the Governing Body or the General Body as Honorary Members, who shall possess No Voting Rights. Other memberships may be determined by the Governing Body or the General Body, per Bylaws. ARTICLE IX- MEETINGS. The General Body Meetings are held to discuss generic and specific issues of interest to the Organization. An Annual General Body meeting shall be held in the month of August of each fiscal year. Additional General Body meetings shall be held as necessary. The Governing Body Meetings are held to conduct businesses including review and approve policies of the Organization. A minimum of four Quarterly Governing Body meetings shall be held during each fiscal year.

Additional Governing Body meetings shall be held as necessary. The Meetings shall conform to the Constitution and Bylaws of the Organization. All Meeting Proceedings shall follow the Robert’s Rule of Orders. ARTICLE X – ELECTION. The Governing Body shall be comprised of elected members. A General Election shall be held during the Annual General Body meeting, to elect new members of the Governing Body. A Midterm Election may be held to fill the vacancies of the Governing Body, caused due to relocation of the Governing Body members or any other reasons. Normally, the Governing Body members shall elect the new members during the Mid-term Elections, unless otherwise decided by the Governing Body, or mandated by the General Body. ARTICLE XI - GENERAL BODY. The Regular Members of PARBO shall constitute the General Body of the Organization. The General Body shall possess the highest authority. The Decisions of the General Body shall be final. Decisions and/or Resolutions taken in any Governing Body, Board, Committee or any other meetings shall be void if disapproved by the General Body. ARTICLE XII - GOVERNING BODY. The General Administration, Management and Operation of PARBO shall be entrusted to the Organization’s elected Governing Body, comprised of three Major Boards, namely Board of Trustees, Board of Directors and Board of Officers. The Governing Body shall approve all Policies and Procedures for Operation of the Organization, as required by Constitution and Bylaws. As elected members of PARBO, the Governing Body members shall obey the Constitution and Bylaws. All Governing Body Members shall retain membership, attend meetings and remain responsible as well as Accountable for their jobs per Bylaws. The Board of Trustees shall be responsible for maintaining the Overall Integrity of the Organization as well as Membership Rights. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for formulating and presenting the Policies and Procedures of the Organization. The Board of Officers shall be the main wing of the Governing Body and shall be responsible for arranging all Activities of the Organization throughout the entire fiscal year as well as providing adequate support to conduct Major Tasks including Elections, Amendments of Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures. The Governing Body Boards shall consist of Committees as required by the Bylaws. ARTICLE XIII-ADDRESS AND OWNERSHIP. PARBO is situated at the new construction “OM building” at Amtala (Baruipur Road) on a donated land from Ganguly family. Presently, Mr. Apurba Ganguly has been living on that land away from the “OM mandir” for some time. Mr. Apurba Ganguly knows that he has no right to own the “OM Mandir” neither has the right to sell it to any outsider. Thus, PARBO belongs to the organization created by both GANGULY and MUKHERJEE family.

PARBO-A local Organization for Community Leadership
  • A. The Constitution

1. Overview: The Bylaws of the Constitution of PARBO shall provide details of Constitutional Practices. The Bylaws shall be governed by the Constitution of the Organization. The provisions of the Constitution shall prevail in case of a controversy or conflict with the statements of the Bylaws. By the Election Process, the General Body authorizes and entrusts the Governing Body to manage and administer the Organization per Constitution and Bylaws. The Governing Body is obliged to follow them using certain Policies and Procedures. The Governing Body shall maintain a Policies and Procedures Manual, and update it from time to time. The Manual shall conform to the Constituti on and Bylaws of PARBO. The Manual may include Policies and Procedures on Meeting, Conduct, Approval Process, Documentation, Report, Finance, Funding, Sponsorship, Fund Raising, Expense Disbursement, Fund Collection, Communication Logistics on Newsletters and Web Information, and others. The Manual shall be made available to the regular members. Update of the Policies and Procedures Manual shall require Majority Vote in proper Governing Body Meetings. Modification of the contents of the Manual shall be mandated upon Majority Vote in a proper General Body meeting. The Governing Body shall maintain an Organization Chart. The Chart shall indicate major functions and relations between various Boards, Committees and Groups of the Governing Body. The Resolutions adopted in Governing Body or in any Board or in any Committee meetings shall automatically be ratified and effective, unless objected by regular members.

2. Process: All Resolutions of PARBO adopted in a Governing Body or in a Board or in a Committee meeting shall be communicated to the general membership by the Secretarial group. Such resolutions shall be kept in abeyance if a joint petition signed by at least one-fifth of the General Body, is sent to the Governing Body, within one month from the date of communication of such resolution to the general membership. Specific reasons of reversing such a resolution shall be listed, in the Petition. The Presidential group shall call, arrange for and preside over a General Body meeting, within two months from the date of receipt of such a petition. If the Presidential Group fails to perform these duties, Governing Body shall call a meeting and appoint another member as Presiding Officer to conduct the General Body Meeting. The Issues shall be discussed in the General Body meeting, to act upon them. A simple majority of valid votes by eligible members shall adopt or reject the resolutions. The decision by the General Body shall be final. An Extra-Ordinary meeting, or a petitioned Extra-Ordinary meeting, may be initiated by the regular members, when such situation arises. Amendments to the Bylaws are initiated to meet the needs of the Organization. An amendment to the Bylaws can be initiated by the Governing Body, or by a joint petition to the Governing Body, signed by at least one-fifth of the General Body of PARBO. The Governing Body shall call for a General Body meeting with the amendment information to all regular members of the Organization, within one month from the date of initiation. All amendments shall be acted upon in such General Body meetings, within two months from the dates of their respective initiations. In order to amend one or more Sections of the Bylaws, a proper General Body meeting shall require a Quorum. Adoption of an amendment shall require Valid Votes by more than one-half of the eligible members present in such a General Body Meeting cast in favor of the Amendment. Regular Members of PARBO shall possess highest authority. All activities of PARBO shall be organized by its members.

3. TYPES OF MEMBERSHIP: Regular Membership of PARBO shall be open to all adult persons, who shall have interests in PARBO activities and who shall abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures. Regular Members may be categorized as Seniors, Students, Youth, Children and others per Policies and Procedures. Regular Members shall gain advantage on all event fees over the other types of members and Nonmembers, per Policies and Procedures. Honorary membership of the Organization shall be limited to visiting dignitaries, artists, scientists and other distinguished persons. All honorary members shall be nominated by the Governing Body, or the General Body. All other types of membership shall be approved by the Governing Body, or the General Body. MEMBERSHIP DONATIONS: Each fiscal year, the Governing Body shall establish donation schedules for annual membership dues, all event fees as well as combinations of membership dues and event fees, per Policies and Procedures. The dues and fees for various categories of regular members as well as other types of members and nonmembers shall be included. All Regular Members shall donate annual membership dues for the fiscal year. Membership donations are due at the beginning of the Fiscal year. Honorary members shall not be required to donate membership dues. Members shall donate the Event Fees at Members rate . MEMBERSHIP FORMS. The membership application forms shall be completed for all Regular Members, per Policies and Procedures. The forms shall be updated by the Governing Body, per Policies and Procedures. The Secretarial group shall maintain the membership application forms for the Regular and other Members. The Audit Committee shall maintain a copy of membership roster. Maintenance of membership forms for honorary members shall be optional. All membership application forms shall be approved by the Governing Body.

4. VOTING RIGHTS: All dues paying regular members of PARBO shall be eligible to vote in all Election, General Body, Extra-Ordinary and Exceptional Meetings of the elected members of the Governing Body shall be eligible to vote in all Governing Body and Unusual Meetings. The Board or Committee members shall be eligible to vote in the appropriate Board or Committee Meetings. Voting Rights shall be lost on loss of Membership. Youth and Children members of regular membership categories shall not be eligible to vote. Honorary or other types of members shall not be eligible to vote.

5. LOSS OF MEMBERSHIP: Membership may be lost or ceased due to several reasons. Membership Rights including candidature for Governing Body Election shall remain cancelled during the ceased period. Lost Membership shall be due to Arrear, Suspension, Removal and Dismissal. Loss of Membership shall place the members in Lost Membership status. Membership shall automatically be placed in Arrear for non-payment of membership fees. Arrear of Membership shall be reinstated within one month after payment of arrear dues. Membership may be placed in Suspension for a period of six months to twenty-four months, when the member is engaged in any activity against the Constitution of PARBO. Suspension action can be initiated by the Governing Body or by a joint petition signed by at least one-fifth of PARBO Regular Members. Majority decision in a Governing Body Meeting shall constitute such suspension process. Suspension of Membership may be reinstated by a Majority vote cast in favor of reinstatement at a Governing Body meeting after a minimum of six months suspension period. Reinstatement can also be approved by a majority vote in a General Body Meeting. Membership may be placed in Removal for a period of twenty-four months to forty-eight months, when the member is engaged in any activity detrimental to PARBO, as well as for gross misbehavior or major criminal activity. Removal action can be initiated by Governing Body or by a petition signed by at least one-fifth of its members. Removal process shall require two-thirds majority vote in a Governing Body Meting. Removal of Membership may be reinstated by a PARBO majority vote cast in favor of reinstatement, at a Governing Body meeting after a minimum twenty-four months removal period. Reinstatement may also be approved by a majority vote in a General Body Meeting. One or more Governing Body Members may be placed in Dismissal by a two-third majority vote in a Governing Body for a fiscal year, due to non-performance of Duties and Obligations, and/or any gross misbehavior. Dismissal of Membership may be reinstated by a majority vote cast in favor of reinstatement, at a properly called General Body meeting after a minimum six months. PARBO Meetings shall be held to discuss specific and generic issues relating to the operation of PARBO. The Quorum Requirements in a General Body, Governing Body, Board or Committee Meeting shall be over half of the membership of the respective General Body, Governing Body, Board or Committee. The General Body, Governing Body, Board or Committee Meetings will normally be face to face, where members shall physically be present in the meetings. In certain cases, Governing Body may decide to allow virtual attendance, using Communication and/or Electronic Media, including telephones, teleconference, videoconference, and/or e-mails. In such cases, virtual attendees shall be required to participate actively and continuously throughout the meetings. The Governing Body may allow absentee members to vote on particular Issue, Proposal, Motion and/or Resolution; when such Issue, Proposal, Motion and/or Resolution has been communicated to all other valid Members of the Meeting. In such a case, the member shall indicate preference on a Proper Form signed by the member.

6. Absent member: Absentee Members will be identified on voting status in favor or against the Issue, Proposal, Motion and/or Resolution. The Governing Body shall inform the proper members on Absentee Member Voting Criteria, at least one month prior to a specified General Body Meeting, or two weeks prior to a specified Governing Body meeting. The Governing Body may allow members to utilize the Postal Service, or authentic Courier, Facsimile, e-mail and/or Web services to send in voting information to the Preservation Committee. In all cases of Absentee Member Voting, an accepted process must be secured to avoid any changes and or defacing of members’ voting. The Process shall be documented in the Policy and Procedure Manual. The Preservation Committee shall be responsible for collecting, counting and presenting the results of absentee members’ votes on the specified issues, proposals, motions, and/or resolutions to the Governing Body and the General Body. Advisory Committee Members will witness the counting of votes. Results of such counting process shall be final.

7. GENERAL BODY MEETINGS: An annual General Body meeting shall be held in August of every fiscal year to Discuss Generic and Specific Issues, and to conduct the Annual general election. Other General Body meetings shall be held as necessary. All General Body meetings shall normally be called and presided over by the Presidential group. If the Presidential Group fails to perform duties, Governing Body shall appoint another member as Presiding Officer to conduct the General Body Meeting. Meetings related to the Election Process shall be conducted by the Preservation Committee, presided by the Principal Preserver and observed by the Advisory Committee guided by the Principal Advisor. The Secretarial Group shall normally take the meeting minutes. However, the Governing Body may assign another member to document Meeting Minutes, if the Secretarial Group fails to perform duties. A General Body meeting may be initiated by a joint petition to the Governing Body, signed by at least one-fifth of the General Body. The petition shall include specific issues to be discussed. The Presidential group shall send notice for a General Body meeting to all regular members of PARBO, within one month from the date of receipt of such petition, and shall arrange to hold the meeting, within two months from the date of receipt of such petition. However, if the Presidential Group fails to perform duties, the Governing Body shall take over. Adoption of Issue, Proposal, Motion and/or Resolution shall require a simple majority of valid votes cast by General Body Members, in favor of the Issue, Proposal, Motion and/or Resolution; in a valid General Body meeting. Issues on amendment of PARBO Constitution shall require two-third majority vote for adoption.

8. GOVERNING BODY MEETINGS: A minimum of four Quarterly Governing Body meetings shall be held in May, August, November, and February of each fiscal year. Progress and Activities of various Boards, Committees, Groups as well as Subcommittees shall be discussed. Generic or specific policies and procedures shall be discussed and adopted. Other Governing Body meetings, and meetings of its Boards, Committees, Groups as well as Subcommittees, shall be held as necessary to fulfill the obligation, or to carryout required tasks, throughout the fiscal year. All meetings of the Governing Body, the Board of Officers, and the Executive Committee shall be called and also presided over by the Presidential group. If the Presidential Group fails to perform duties, Governing Body shall appoint another member as Presiding Officer to conduct the Meeting. A Governing Body meeting may be initiated by a joint petition to the Governing Body, signed by more than one-fifth of its elected members. The Presidential group shall call, arrange, and preside over a Governing Body meeting within one month from the date of receipt of the petition. If the Presidential Group fails to perform duties, Governing Body shall appoint another member as Presiding Officer to conduct the Meeting. The Secretarial group shall normally document the minutes of the Governing Body, the Board of Officers, and the Executive Committee meetings. However, the Governing Body may assign another member to document Meeting Minutes, if the Secretarial group fails to perform duties. Meetings of all other Boards, or other Committees, or Subcommittees, shall be called by, presided by, and documented by an appropriate Principal member, or a Chair Person, or an appropriate designated member. Adoption of Issue, Proposal, Motion and/or Resolution shall require a simple majority of valid votes cast in favor of the Issue, Proposal, Motion and/or Resolution; in a valid Governing Body meeting.

9. EXTRA-ORDINARY MEETINGS: An Extra-Ordinary meeting is held when the Presidential group fails to call a General Body meeting, petitioned by regular members. An Extra-Ordinary meeting may be initiated by a joint petition, signed by at least one-fifth of the General Body, to the Preservation Committee. The Petition shall include specific Issue, Proposal, Motion and/or Resolution; to be discussed in such a meeting. The Preservation Committee shall call, arrange and preside over an Extra-Ordinary Meeting, informing all members, within one month from date of receipt of the petition. The Audit Committee shall provide the valid membership list. The Preservation Committee shall carefully document the adopted resolutions, and send them to all the regular members of PARBO including the Presidential group. This action shall automatically adopt a vote of no confidence against the Presidential group. The Preservation Committee shall arrange for a General Body meeting to elect new members of the Presidential group. All resolutions adopted in a valid Extra-Ordinary meeting shall be final.

10. EXCEPTIONAL MEETINGS: An Exceptional Meeting may be called by regular members, when the Presidential group as well as the Preservation Committee, fail to call an Extra-Ordinary meeting petitioned by regular members. Such situation shall require a valid notice for the Exceptional Meeting, signed by more than one-half of the General Body on roll at the time of the original petition to the presidential group. The Notice shall be sent to all eligible regular members, at least two weeks in advance of the meeting. The Meeting Notice shall list Issue, Proposal, Motion and/or Resolution of the Petition, including the date, time and location of such a meeting. The Members at the Exceptional Meeting shall elect a Presiding Officer for the Meeting. Such action shall automatically adopt the vote of no confidence against the Presidential group, as well as the Preservation Committee. New members shall be elected to replace the removed members, in the same Exceptional Meeting. The Presiding Officer shall send the adopted resolutions, and the election results, along with the minutes of the meeting to all regular members. All resolutions adopted in a valid Exceptional Meeting shall be final. UNUSUAL MEETINGS. An Unusual meeting is held when the Presidential group fails to call a Governing Body meeting, requested by appropriate Governing Body members. An Unusual meeting may be initiated by a joint petition, signed by at least one-fifth of the Governing Body to the Preservation Committee. The Petition shall include specific issues and resolutions to be discussed in such a meeting. The Preservation Committee shall call, arrange and preside over an Unusual Meeting, informing all members, within one month from date of receipt of the petition. The Preservation Committee shall carefully document the adopted resolutions, and send them to all the regular members of PARBO, including the Presidential group. This action shall automatically adopt a vote of no confidence against the Presidential group. The Preservation Committee shall call, arrange, and preside over a General Body meeting to discuss and decide on the vote of no confidence. The decision by Majority of the General Body shall be final.

11. DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS: All members of PARBO are obliged to maintain its dignity as well as integrity. Acceptance of membership shall imply agreement to respect and follow the provisions of PARBO Constitution. The Highest Authority of PARBO is vested in the General Body. The members have moral obligation to perform lawful duties with credibility. The members are expected to execute their rights as well as authorities with proper responsibility, accountability and justice.

12. DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE GENERAL BODY: All Regular members shall abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures of the Organization and enjoy the Membership Rights, Authorities and Benefits. The Regular members shall execute their voting rights on acceptance of proper and valuable proposals for better operation as well as rejection of improper ones, harmful to the organization. The Regular members shall take part in discussions and voting in the General Body meetings. The regular members shall be obliged to take active part in the Election Process. The Regular Members should get involved in various activities of PARBO throughout the fiscal year such as Request the Advisory Committee to act on Integrity related problems; Inform the Preservation Committee on specific membership rights issues; Suggest the Planning Committee to review a Policy for best Interest of the Organization; Ask the Audit Committee, to establish better procedures on accounting and record keeping; Help the Executive Committee to facilitate a program on religious/cultural activity; Support the Endowment Committee on Charitable activities; Participate on Educational activities and support Education Committee; Promote and support Youth PARBO activities.

13. DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE GOVERNING BODY: The Elected and Entrusted Governing Body shall be obliged to perform its duties. The Governing Body shall conduct appropriate businesses for the Organization; Approve policies of PARBO, and elect members during Midterm elections; Interpret Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures of PARBO; Safeguard all Documentations of the Organization. The Governing Body may take over authorities, responsibilities and activities of a Group or a Committee for the best interest of PARBO, during a fiscal year. Such action shall require two-third majority vote of the Governing Body. The Governing Body shall nominate and appoint Subcommittees throughout a fiscal year, to fulfill special tasks. Some Subcommittees shall be responsible for PARBO Events [Durga Puja, recognition of the seniors, cultural program, community work etc.] per Policies and Procedures of the Organization. The Subcommittees shall carry out the activities or tasks, for which it is formed; Report to the Governing Body on all activities and tasks; Present results of the tasks or activities to the Committees, Boards, Governing Body or the General Body as requested. The Governing Body shall nominate and appoint Youth PARBO Group in each fiscal year, to carryout youth activities and programs. The Governing Body shall promote and support PARBO Youth Group. The Youth PARBO Group shall coordinate all youth activities; arrange religious and cultural youth programs in PARBO activity; get involved and help other Committees in setup and other activities.

14. DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The Board of Trustees shall maintain the overall integrity of the Organization. The Advisory Committee shall advise the Governing Body, its Boards, Committees, and Subcommittees, and also other regular members as necessary; Ascertain the opinion of the General Body, in case of a potential threat on the loss of Integrity of PARBO; Act as a mediator, when there are some disagreement and/or conflict between a regular member and a member or a committee or the Governing Body; Be responsible for suitable disposal of the assets of the Organization, in the event of Its liquidation, to certain nonprofit organizations, properly approved by the Internal Revenue Services. The Preservation Committee shall be responsible for preserving rights of the members of PARBO; call Extra-Ordinary and Unusual meetings, when the presidential group fails to call required General Body or Governing Body meetings; conduct General and Midterm elections, and prepare all election documents, and hand over to the Audit Committee; Count and announce the result of Absentee Members Voting.

15. DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Board of Directors shall formulate and Present the Policies and Procedures of the Organization. The Planning Committee shall formulate plans and policies of PARBO; Maintain the Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures of the Organization; Recommend affiliation to other organizations on long term basis; Present proposals to the Governing Body and/or the General Body as necessary. The Audit Committee shall audit all documents of PARBO, including Financial, Membership, and Election documents, as well as the Meeting Minutes; Establish procedures, and Insure proper method of implementation; Maintain roster of members; Be responsible for observing and Insuring proper election procedures; Recommend procedures for record keeping to be approved by the Governing Body; Be responsible for Safe Keeping of all PARBO Documents.

16. DUTIES AND OBLIGATIONS OF THE BOARD OF OFFICERS: The Board of Officers shall arrange Activities and Programs for all PARBOevents throughout the entire fiscal year. While the Education Committee shall be coordinating the Educational Activities and the Endowment Committee shall be coordinating the Endowment Activities, the Executive Committee shall be engaged on arranging all Religious and Cultural Events and Activities. In addition, the Executive Committee shall be handling Presidential, Secretarial and Treasury work for PARBO, including helping other Committees on an as-needed basis. The Presidential group shall coordinate all activities of PARBO; Call all General Body, Governing Body, Board of Officers, and Executive Committee meetings; Handle all public relations; Take appropriate action to keep the Organization intact; Nominate Subcommittees required to carry out tasks for the fiscal year; Interface with other organizations; Organize ongoing religious and cultural programs and activities; Hand over Authority when demanded by the Governing Body; Deal with Governmental Bodies; Sign all contracts, and legal documents of PARBO be responsible for membership drive; Insure effective accomplishment of all activities and tasks, for the fiscal year; Arrange smooth transfer of activities, Documentations, Funds, Bank-authority, Inventories, Keys, Passwords, Web-authority of the fiscal year to the Next Governing Body, By July 31stof the next fiscal year. The Secretarial group shall communicate with the members using Postal and Electronic Media, Telephone and Personal contacts, and any other means; Maintain membership information, and provide Quarterly Report to the Audit and Preservation Committees, or whenever requested; Keep minutes of meetings; Obtain progress reports from other Committees and Subcommittees; Prepare, publish, and maintain all activity reports and other documents; Present Secretarial Reports in the Annual General Body Meeting and to the Governing Body when requested; Hand over all Secretarial Reports, Data Bases, Address Books, Membership Information, Electronic Media Information, Meeting Minutes and all other Documentations to the Next Governing Body By July 31stof the Next Fiscal year. The Treasury group shall handle all financial transactions; maintain all accounting documents; collect all dues and donations and record them properly; prepare and publish financial reports; maintain inventory of all assets and other Items of the Organization; suggest on charitable contributions; prepare budget for the fiscal year; file necessary tax returns for IRS requirements on Time; present Treasury Reports in the Annual General Body Meeting and to the Governing Body when requested; hand over all Treasury Reports, Financial Data Bases, Complete Revenue and Expense Information, Event and Fund Financial Information, Bank Information, Investment Information, and all other Documentations to the Next Governing Body By July 31stof the next fiscal year. The Endowment Committee shall coordinate with the Social Services Units; Encourage Youth and Children groups in Charitable Activities; develop Criteria on Endowment related Activities, and actively improve them ; determine Authenticity and recommend the institutions for donations; Report Endowment Activity plans and programs for approval of the Governing Body every quarter and whenever requested by the Governing Body; maintain History of Endowment Activities and report them to the Governing Body every quarter and when requested. The Education Committee shall coordinate with the Path Bhaban Campuses; Encourage adults, youth and children to Educational Activities; maintain and manage all Education related School Campuses; help coordinate the uniformity of the curriculum developed by the teachers across multiple campuses; Report Education Activity plans and programs for approval of the Governing Body every quarter and whenever requested by the Governing Body; Maintain History of Educational Activities and report them to the Governing Body every quarter and when requested.

17. Overview of election: The Governing Body Members shall be elected by the General Body. The Preservation Committee shall be responsible for conducting the election process. The Preservation Committee may decide to get help from other members of the Governing Body. As part of the Election Process, the candidates for the Governing Body Members shall be Nominated and Seconded by Regular Members, termed as Nominator Teams. Eligibility for such candidature is limited to Regular Members, termed as Nominees. Members with Lost Membership Status shall be disqualified to be a Nominator, and/or a Nominee. Candidacy of those persons shall be void. Absentee Members may be allowed to vote using US mail, or authentic courier, facsimile, email, Web services, when original signature can be verified. Absentee Members shall be identified on voting. A nominator-may nominate only one nominee for each open position of the Governing Body. Each nominee shall accept the nomination by signing the nomination form document. A nominee may accept candidacy for one open position only. Candidates for Governing Body Positions shall agree to abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedures.

18. GENERAL ELECTION: An Annual General Election shall be held during the Annual General Body Meeting in August, every fiscal year. The Elections shall be conducted by the Preservation Committee using secret Ballot Votes. The Preservation Committee shall send Forms for Nominating Governing Body for the next Fiscal Year to all regular members of PARBO, before March 31st, of each fiscal year. The Form shall provide details of Nomination Process including Submission date, by May 15thof the fiscal year. The Nomination Form shall include proper spaces for Nominators as well as Nominees. The Nomination Process shall include Nominees for all Members of the Board of Officers as well as Outgoing Members of the Board of Trustees and Board or Directors. The Members of the Executive Committee of the Board of Officers shall be elected for One Fiscal Year. The Members of the Endowment Committee and Education Committee of the Board of Officers as well as the Members of the Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors shall be elected normally for Three Fiscal Years. The Nominator Teams shall return original signed nomination papers to the Preservation Committee by the Submission due Date. Duplicate copies shall be retained by the Nominator Teams. Completed Nomination papers with proper signatures can also be transmitted electronically. When using Electronic transmittal, the nominator teams shall also provide the original nomination papers to the preservation committee within two days after the due date. The Preservation Committee Members must validate membership of the Nominator Teams as well as the Nominees/Candidates; and sign each nomination paper. No nomination shall be accepted after starting of the voting process, or declaration of elected candidates.
A notice for General Election, along with the Annual General Body meeting shall be served to all regular members of PARBO by the Governing Body, at least one month before the Annual General Body Meeting, which shall include Election process for the next General Body. The preservation Committee shall conduct the General Election during the Annual General Body Meeting. The unopposed candidates for the Governing Body Positions shall be confirmed as Elected. The Preservation Committee shall sign all ballots before handing over to members. Members present at the Annual General Body Meeting, shall use confidential ballot votes for the positions with contesting candidates. Absentee Members’ valid votes shall be included in counting. The Preservation Committee shall count votes. The Advisory Committee shall observe the election process and shall insure use of proper procedure as well as smooth running of the process. The Audit Committee shall audit election documents. The Preservation Committee shall announce the results of the Election in the same meeting.

19. MIDTERM ELECTION: Midterm elections may be held during a fiscal year to fill the vacancies of the Governing Body, caused due to relocation of its members, loss of Membership, or any other reasons. Midterm elections shall normally be carried out by the Governing Body. Such elections shall be valid for the remainder of the fiscal year. Positions beyond the remainder of the fiscal year shall be confirmed by the General Body. The Preservation Committee shall conduct such Election during a Governing Body Meeting. Midterm elections shall be held in a General Body meeting when such requests are petitioned by at least one-fifth of the Governing Body, or at least one-fifth of the General Body. In such cases General Election procedure shall be followed for the Midterm election. If the Presidential Group fails to perform duties, the Governing Body shall call a General Body meeting within One Month from the date of such Initiation, and shall appoint another member as Presiding Officer to conduct the Recall Process. 814. If Entire Governing Body fails to perform duties, the General Body may appoint a presiding officer to conduct the Recall Process. Approval of resolutions on Recall issue shall require at least two-thirds majority votes, cast in favor of the Recall issues, by the Regular members, present in a valid General Body meeting. Decision taken in a valid General Body meeting on a Recall issue shall be final. Results of a Recall issue shall be communicated to the General Body by the Secretarial group, or an assigned member appointed by the Governing Body or the General Body. Recall against any member of the Presidential group shall be submitted to the Preservation Committee. The Preservation Committee shall call, arrange for, and preside over an Extra-Ordinary meeting to discuss and resolve on the issues of the recall. Recall against the entire Governing Body, may be initiated by initiating a petitioned Extra- Ordinary meeting.

20. GOVERNING BODY: The Elected Governing Body shall carry out the General Administration, Management and Operation of PARBO. The Three Board Governing Body shall be comprised of Committees and Groups. The Elected Members of the Governing Body, including its Boards, Committees and Groups shall be responsible and accountable for all operations per the Bylaws of PARBO. All Elected Individual Members are responsible and accountable to the Governing Body.
All Boards and their Committees and Groups are responsible for handing over Authorities as well as Documentations to the next Boards and Committees at the end of the Term. The Board(s) and/or Committee(s) shall handover Authorities and Documentations to the Governing Body on Demands and/or Requests. The Governing Body shall approve all Policies and Procedures for Operation of the Organization, as required by Constitution and Bylaws. The Governing Body shall nominate and Form a Youth PARBO Group each fiscal year. The Governing Body shall encourage and support the Youth Group to involve into various Youth Activities throughout the fiscal year.

21. THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES: The Board of Trustees shall be comprised of the Advisory Committee and the Preservation Committee and shall be in continuous existence. The Advisory Committee shall be responsible for the safe-guard of the Integrity of PARBO, as well as interpreting the provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws of the Organization. The Advisory Committee shall consist of a Principal Advisor, a Senior Advisor, and a Junior Advisor. The Preservation Committee shall be responsible for preserving the rights of PARBO members, as well as ensuring conduct of the Organization’s business per Bylaws. The Preservation Committee shall consist of a Principal Preserver, a Senior Preserver, and a Junior Preserver.

22. THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS: The Board of Directors shall be comprised of the Planning Committee and the Audit Committee and shall be in continuous existence. The Planning Committee shall be responsible for formulation of Plans and Policies of PARBO as well as update and safeguard of its Constitution, Bylaws, Policies and Procedure Documentation. The Planning Committee shall consist of a Principal Planner, a Senior Planner and a Junior Planner. The Audit Committee shall be responsible for establishing, as well as auditing all Procedures and Documents of PARBO as well as safeguard of all Financial and Activity Documentation. The Audit Committee shall consist of a Principal Auditor, a Senior Auditor and a Junior Auditor.

23. THE BOARD OF OFFICERS: The Board of Officers shall be comprised of the Executive Committee, the Endowment Committee and the Education Committee. The Executive Committee members shall be replaced by new members each fiscal year. The Endowment Committee as well as the Education Committee shall be in continuous existence. The Executive Committee shall be responsible for arranging all Activities, including Religious and Cultural Events and Programs throughout the entire fiscal year. The Committee shall be responsible for arranging facilities and accommodations for the Election Process and programs of all other committees, when requested. The Committee shall provide all Documents and Reports to the Governing Body, every quarter or as when demanded or requested by the Governing Body. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the Presidential group, the Secretarial group and the Treasury group. The Presidential group shall be responsible for coordination and public affairs activities of the Organization. The Presidential group shall consist of a President, a Vice President and a Deputy President. The Secretarial group shall be responsible for communications and record keeping activities of the Organization for the fiscal year. The Secretarial group shall consist of a Secretary, an Associate Secretary and an Assistant Secretary. The Treasury group shall be responsible for financial transactions and associated accountings of the Organization for the fiscal year. The Treasury group shall consist of a Treasurer, an Associate Treasurer and an Assistant Treasurer. The Endowment Committee shall be responsible for arranging and coordinating all Endowment Activities. The Committee shall provide Plans, Reports and Documentations to the Governing Body every Quarter or whenever demanded. The Endowment Committee shall consist of a Principal Endower, an Associate Endower and an Assistant Endower. The Committee shall consist of one or more Social Services Units or Endowment groups. The Education Committee shall be responsible for arranging and coordinating all Educational Activities. The Committee shall provide Plans, Reports and Documentation to the Governing Body.

24. The Governing Body Responsible and Accountable to General Body: ADVISORY COMMITTEE: Three Members to safeguard integrity
PRESERVATION COMMITTEE: Three Members topreserve member rights
EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE:Five to run the organization
CULTURAL COMMITTEE: Three to formulate periodic cultural evenings
FOOD COMMITTEE: Three to organize food for guests participating in a program
EDUCATION COMMITTEE: Three to promote education for community
AUDIT COMMITTEE: Three Members Implement Procedures
The Advisory Committee and Preservation Committee of the Board of Trustees, the cultural/food Committee and Audit Committee of the Board of Directors, as well as the Endowment Committee and Education Committee of the Board of Officers shall be in continuous existence. Each member of these Committees shall normally be elected for three fiscal years. The Principal Members of the Committees shall normally retire at the end of each fiscal year. The Senior Members shall normally take over the responsibility of the appropriate Principal Members. The Junior Members shall normally take over the responsibility of the appropriate Senior Members. Newly elected Members shall normally replace the Junior Members of the appropriate Committees. The Executive Committee of the Board of Officers shall be elected for one fiscal year. A Governing Body Member for a fiscal year cannot run as a candidate for the same office in the next fiscal year.

25. SUBCOMMITTEES: The Subcommittees are appointed by the Governing Body, or any of its Boards, or Committees, to carry out a particular task, activity, or performance, during a fiscal year. The members of the Subcommittees, unless already members of the Governing Body shall possess no voting rights in the Governing Body, or Board, or Committee Meetings. Each Subcommittee shall be responsible and accountable to the appointee Committee, Board or Governing Body. The Subcommittees shall provide final report the appointee Committee, Board and Governing Body on Completion of the Tasks. The Governing Body shall be responsible for proper recognition of the Subcommittees.

I can: Community Leadership for Changing World

Overview of the organization

Youths in rural areas have a significant role in the community. They can provide the necessary knowledge and skill particularly for basic education, health, and economyso that everyone in the community is well- aware of the problem and equipped to cope up with the challenges daily. Parbo, is a new organization that will promote training to selected youths having leadership capability and will meet the challenges of the 21st century. The satellite organization will work in close cooperation with the others in future. The organization will select 4-6 individuals annually who will go through rigorous program for one year. Such a program will be community based and will target mainly children’s and women’s issues including education and health. The objectives of the program will also be achieved through some cultural programs. Parbo has successfully obtained funding to establish the infrastructure and a training venue for the future leaders. These leaders will get monthly scholarships and tools such as computers, books, and resource materials. Once the training period is over, it is expected that they will blend into the society to share their knowledge and skill. Thus, the innovative program will have a pivotal influence in the community and should be funded for a long time to come.

Program Goal and Objectives:

The rural area in West Bengal, India is facing numerous problems; those include but not necessarily limited to economy, health, infrastructure, education, and culture. This is complicated by the lack of facilitiesattached tochildren’s growth, youth employment and gender equality leading to denial of women’s access to decent jobs. It is not easy to target these issues to resolve the problems on a permanent basis. However, a community must understand the existing pitfalls of our system and demonstrate interest to eradicate several problems on a regular basis. One of the ways to address these issues is to develop a satellite organization that promotes community leadership for changing the world. Through an innovative way we must be able to provide knowledge to selected individualswho then work with the community to share this “must know information”what is often called as micromanagement for a mega scale endeavor.

  • 1. To select 4-6 individuals from the underprivileged local community, who are willing to work for the society
  • 2. To provide them with the power of basic knowledge and skill in relation to health, education, and management
  • 3. To provide them with financial help till they become leaders in the community
  • 4. To promote local culture to sustain interest and to provide awareness of the mission and vision of this organization

  • Under the Director, a small satellite organization will be formed: PARBO, that will include a) a program director for the local Community Leadershipb) a teacher c) a health professional d) a cultural secretary e) a management professional and f) a financial advisor/accountant
  • The organization will then select 4-6 individuals (approximate ages are between15 and 20) who will go into a rigorous program for one year. The program will include basic education in science and arts, health issues such as communicable diseases, children’s and women’s health, community service and management skill.
  • These selected individuals will take classes on every Sunday (9 am to 12 noon) for one year at a specific location. The individuals will be also provided with the state-of-the art computers, books, internet access and a fixed salary in terms of scholarship
  • At the end of the year, they will be assessed for their knowledge and skill. In addition, to maintain the standard, the students will be also assessed on a monthly/continuous basis.
  • At any stage, if the director feels unhappy with the performance of a selected individual, he/she will be replaced by others in the line. Thus, the selection process needs a careful thought process and will follow thePARBO by-laws.
  • The Director will also help to find out jobs in the community once these individuals will complete trainings.

Execution, detail program and the timeline
  • By-laws will be implemented with the help of the Director
  • Selection of the committee (PARBO) will be made
  • Selection of the individuals (4-6 youths) for the community leadership will be made.The ratio of male/female leaders is expected to be equal.
  • The selected leaders will be provided with all the necessary books, computers, overview of the programs/courses etc.
  • The inauguration of the satellite organization will be made to the public in a formal way.
  • The formal education for the future leaders will commence on Sunday, at a specific location“OM MANDIR” situated on Baruipur road (Between Amtala and


The initial budget is dependent on a donation from Dr. Pallab, K. Ganguly, MBBS, MD, FACA. He is a Canadian citizen of Indian origin. The other contribution is from Mr. Bishnupada Mukherjee, a local business entrepreneur. It is importantto note that thepersonnel taking part in teaching the leaders will spend time on every Sunday on a voluntary basis/or with minimal remuneration. The place for the school is identified,secured and the construction is completed. Thus, the organization should not worry about the place and the initial funding for the infrastructure. This donation is expected to grow also from others (personal/Government/NGO) once PARBO is registered officially.

The annual budget is calculated on the salary/scholarship of the 4-6 future leaders as well as miscellaneous expenses such as cost for the cultural programs and electricity etc.

However, to continue this innovative program, it is expected that others (personal/Govt./NGO) will be able to help and fund this organization annually for a long time to come. The organization on the other hand, will have regular fund-raising events and try to be self-sufficient in every sense of the word.

N.B. The organization is expected to support needy family (on an emergency basis) going for medical treatment. A detail plan and fund to support the family under PARBO will be available soon.